IGA nephropathy and the diseases to identify? Clinical diagnostic process IGA nephropathy believed to be discriminating with the following diseases:
First, acute glomerulonephritis after streptococcal infection should be presented with acute nephritis IgA nephropathy syndrome differentiated, the former long incubation period, self-healing tendencies; the latter a short incubation period, repeated illness, combined with laboratory tests (such as C3, ASO ) can be funded distinction.

Third, secondary IgA deposits in the glomerular disease
(A) treatment of allergic purpura nephritis nephropathy and IgA nephropathy and immune pathology same, but the former are often typical of renal manifestations, such as skin purpura, joint pain, abdominal pain and melena, etc., can be identified.
(Ii) chronic alcoholic cirrhosis 50% ∽90% of renal tissues of patients with alcoholic cirrhosis can be displayed in the main immunoglobulin IgA deposition, but only a very small number of patients with clinical manifestations of renal involvement. Identification and IgA nephropathy based primarily on the presence of cirrhosis.
(C) lupus nephritis immunofluorescence mostly full house (IgG, IgA, IgM, C3, C1q, fibrinogen-related antigen were positive). In addition, multi-system involvement of systemic lupus erythematosus clinical features and immunological tests help to identify.
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