How kidneys work
It has two normal kidneys, located on either side of the spine, so each one, exactly the same function. Usually after a kidney was removed, another kidney can afford the original workload. The internal structure of the kidney, and renal pelvis is divided into two parts. Kidney structure is more complex than all human beings can create water treatment equipment, and more precise.
The renal parenchyma of less than 100 grams, more than a million hidden "renal units." Each nephron from the glomerulus and renal tubule posed. Glomerular capillary is actually a group which branch formed by the kidney artery. Blood flows through the glomerulus, just over a sieve, the human body useless was filtered off, the formation of urine excreted.
Daily flow through the kidneys need to deal with up to 1500 liters of blood, filtered by glomerular filtrate (primary urine) is about 150 liters. The original urine would be further concentrated kidney tubules. Drawn from the glomerular tubular, bent several times, like 9 18 bends, 99% of the original urine where it is re-absorbed into the bloodstream, only 1% eventually become urine excreted.
Blood flows from the renal tubules, he entered the horn stepwise increases of "waste" collection system - calyces into the renal kidney big light from light, and then the pelvis to the ureter, and finally into the bladder. In the bladder, the reservoir to a certain amount of urine, causing urine is excreted.
Look urinary disease differentiation
Normal urine mostly grass yellow or yellowish. Urine color depth, depending on the concentration of the urine may be. If you drink a lot of water, you can lighten the color of urine, whereas little water, the color of urine may become darker. In sweat more, and less drinking water situation, not only scanty urine, and the colors are dark, these are normal physiological changes in the human body, is not surprising. However, some abnormal changes in urine, can be seen as manifestations of certain diseases, requires attention.
Depending on the case hematuria hematuria discharging different, reflecting the different patients. For example, there is the beginning of urination hematuria, known since the beginning of hematuria, urinary tract lesions often show; only when the last urination hematuria, known as terminal hematuria, after the show urethra or bladder neck lesions; if from the beginning to urinate ending all hematuria, then known as hematuria, bladder neck tend to show more urinary tract (including bladder, ureter, kidney) lesions. Whether hematuria any case must be vigilant.
Urine cloudy urine may be cloudy urine purulent material. Indicate inflammation of the urinary system, such as urinary tract stones cause obstruction after initiation of infection or urinary system tuberculosis, should go to the specialist examination and treatment there. In addition, if the intra-abdominal lymphatic obstruction (such as filariasis patients), can also cause urine is milky white, called chyluria.
A normal adult urinary frequency, micturition about 4-5 times per day, which is 0-1 times a night, for each discharge of about 300 to 500 ml of urine. Increased frequency of urination, frequent urination refers to the situation. Drink more than usual, nervousness, and eat more watermelon in summer, there will be increased frequency of urination phenomenon, these are normal physiological changes. However, some patients may also occur frequent urination, such as suffering from prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, urinary tract infection, diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, there will be increased frequency of urination phenomenon.
Urgency refers not wait to have a feeling when urinating, bladder and urethra more prompt inflammation.
Dysuria refers to the urethra during urination pain sensation. In general, it is caused due to inflammation. As painful urination outset, it showed urethral inflammation; if terminally urination pain is reflected in the bladder or prostate inflammation or other lesions.
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