A traditional Chinese herbal medicine and Edible pure juice from the press, by virtue of their unparalleled kidney function and significantly improve sexual function, in just a few years, popular in Europe and America. Why pure goji juice male sexual function would have such a big role in promoting it? Take a look.
A traditional Chinese herbal medicine and Edible pure juice from the press, by virtue of their unparalleled kidney function and significantly improve sexual function, in just a few years, popular in Europe and America. By the University of Hong Kong Li Ka Shing Faculty in the American Journal of authoritative scientific Plos One (US Public Library of Science journal) published a paper, it was found that as tomato juice-like red liquid - pure goji juice, in fact, is all around us kidney super juice.
Kidney natural juices increase libido
China is famous wolfberry kidney yang ingredients, our folk widespread "king traveling thousands of miles, Mo eat wolfberry" the famous, is due to speak Chinese wolfberry has a strong role to stimulate sexual function, so the long journey home men, women should not be. Due to continuous drinking pure goji juice is safe, there is a significant increase libido and improve sexual performance, in distant Europe and triggered a craze for drinking, Europe and many parts of the population in order to enhance their sexual function, start drinking pure goji juice.
Earlier, the University of Hong Kong Li Ka Shing Faculty has been carried out related to rats, pure goji juice demonstrated a significant effect in improving sexual function: a continuous drinking pure goji juice nearly a month's time, most of the increase in male libido, increased frequency of ejaculation and prolong ejaculation latency, while the quantity and quality of sperm have been significantly improved. In addition to increasing sexual desire and improve sexual function role, the researchers report in the University of Hong Kong Li Ka Shing Faculty also noted that pure goji juice has reversed inhibition of sperm cells and protecting effect. Of reproductive tissues has been castrated (surgically or chemically to the loss of fertility) and irradiated male rats suppressed sexual behavior in the continuous feeding a certain amount of pure goji juice, its testosterone (associated with erectile, a key factor in sexual aspects) significantly improved, reversing the previous decline of testosterone situation. This indicates that pure goji juice on male sexual behavior has a certain "rescue" effect, can effectively improve male sexual dysfunction.
Interpretation of "sex" Password improve sexual function
Why pure goji juice male sexual function would have such a big role in promoting it? University of Hong Kong Li Ka Shing Faculty researchers conducted an autopsy experiments on rats and found that the main component of LBP on pure wolfberry juice, by acting on - this axis impact "gonad subventricular zone" of male sexual function. Male biological brain subventricular zone and hippocampus of the entire life cycle can continue to generate adult born neurons, a process called neurogenesis. Whenever loop neurogenesis been enhanced biological male libido and sexual function will be improved accordingly. LBP on directly improving the proliferation of brain stem cell lines, promote neurogenesis in brain circuits, thereby significantly improving the biological male libido and sexual function.
Whether traditional Chinese medicine and modern medicine, generally felt that the effectiveness of wolfberry improve sexual function is only focused on the reproductive system, but the success of sex involving a complex interaction between different systems, in addition to the reproductive system, nervous the system will have an impact on sexual behavior. University of Hong Kong Li Ka Shing Faculty of study not only confirmed the LBP, sexuality and the role of the brain occurs among the three relations, with neurological-based reproductive biology provide useful insights, but also confirmed that LBP on improving libido and improving the effectiveness of sexual function, improve sexual function in its clinical application provides a more powerful theory
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