1, disease history
Edema disease related medical history obtained by analysis of the pathogenesis, diagnosis and differential diagnosis, treatment and prognosis data. In addition to asking general medical history, but asked for edema patients should pay attention to the following conditions: ① the past without edema, development of edema, persistent or intermittent, the current trend is better or worse; ② site edema, and systemic or limitations, such as systemic asked whether it should pay attention to heart disease, kidney disease. Liver disease, malnutrition, and endocrine dysfunction and other medical history; such as the limitations are often associated with inflammation, infection, trauma, surgery, cancer, vascular diseases and allergy-related; ③ recently it has received some agents or medications, such as a large saline injection, adrenocorticotropic hormone, testosterone, estrogens and the like.
2, physical examination
Edema patients should conduct a detailed examination of the body, because many systems, organs, tissue disorders can cause edema. Systemic examination help to understand the sources and characteristics of edema, diagnosis and differential diagnosis. Orthopnea, heart rate or pulse rate, cardiac enlargement, ventricular systolic or diastolic dysfunction, increased central venous pressure, large venous congestion, jugular vein engorgement, liver and spleen congestion increases, suggesting the presence of heart failure, edema is heart disease caused; enlarged spleen congestion, abdominal venous engorgement collateral circulation, portal hypertension with ascites, suggesting cirrhosis; expressions such as slow, sparse hair, rough skin, suggestive of thyroid dysfunction that is liquid drum edema may. In addition, patients with liver disease and kidney disease and face skin pigment, etc. also have different performance.
It should also pay attention to the performance of physical examination edema and edema of the following characteristics:
1) Note that the distribution of edema is generalized edema or local edema. Depending on the distribution of edema may be initially tips may cause edema. Generalized edema often symmetry, generally sagging parts of the most significant, and more performance in the organization loose parts, such as the eyelids, cheeks, ankles and scrotum, etc.. Locality edema can occur in any part of the body.
2) Position Feature edema showed only early morning when the eyelid or facial edema often kidney disease; edema associated with more limited thoracic vein dilation filling, can be found in the superior vena cava syndrome. You should pay attention to the presence or absence of cervical axillary lymph node swelling; upper body have a lasting and progressive edema should think of the superior vena cava compression, such as tumor, ascending aortic aneurysm and carotid thrombosis edema is common in erysipelas, Ludwig angina go far; thoracic, abdominal, waist, etc. edema, such as tenderness and fever accompanied often suggestive of empyema, kidney go far around; such as lower limb edema is limited on both sides should be considered in patients with generalized edema caused due to the standing position , if only one side of the lower extremity edema often venous thrombosis, filariasis, lymphatic obstruction, often accompanied by scrotal edema. Because lymphatic obstruction caused by edema site no acupressure, skin thicker tougher called elephantiasis leg. In addition, localized edema can occur at any body part, common to inflammation, trauma and allergic diseases. Trauma is often accompanied by inflammation and redness, swelling, heat, pain, this is characteristic of acute inflammation; allergic edema often rapid onset, can be combined with itching, often contact history and allergies.
3) According to the characteristics edema Shiatsu Acupressure Acupressure can be divided into edema (pitting edema) and non-Shiatsu (non-pitting) edema two categories. Recessed parts appear edema pressing with a finger, after a few seconds without raising his hand disappeared called pitting edema. Pitting edema is most common in clinical practice, rather than pitting edema rare, found only in thyroid dysfunction caused by mucinous edema and lymphatic obstruction caused by edema, edema fluid which contains large amounts of protein, which is not sexual performance Shiatsu .
4) the performance of the site edema interstitial edema due to the increased fluid portion, thereby rendering swelling, skin tension, elasticity, increased tissue weight. Non-inflammatory edema site also showed pale edema, low temperature, pitting edema at the site of broken skin can be organized spillage. EI increased in a certain sense represents sicker, but this is not a precise indicator. Severity of edema itself does not determine the prognosis is good or bad, some diseases can be very serious edema, such as edema appears very obvious in patients with nephrotic syndrome, but the prognosis is not necessarily bad, With proper treatment can be substantially cured; some serious patient edema, edema after diuretics can be quickly dissipated, but it did not improve the primary disease.
Change 5) edema of patient body weight in the case of multiple testing conditions appropriate control body weight, body mass increase and decrease, the patient is to determine edema DECLINE quite sensitive and the most valuable indicators than clinical observation usually applied acupressure body degree table depression are much more sensitive. Idiopathic edema edema afternoon began to appear every day, morning and dissipated the next day, when the swelling body weight per day may increase 1.4 kg, it is the 1st of multiple measurements of body weight can be used as basis for diagnosis. Moreover also before and after the application of diuretics, weigh, and patients to understand the reaction of the patient diuretics edema fluid accumulation and the extent of regression.
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