Pregnant women why easy to provoke pyelonephritis
Nephrology article charts 2015-06-1939 Health Network
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Core Tip: female hormone in pregnant women increased tension reduction ureteral peristalsis weakened, leading to poor urinary tract, urine reflux of higher incidence of urinary tract infections during pregnancy therefore, the majority of renal benefit nephritis.
Pyelonephritis refers to inflammation of the kidneys Yu, mostly caused by bacterial infections, generally with lower urinary tract inflammation, clinically difficult to strictly distinguish. Acute pyelonephritis is a common complication of pregnancy, clinical data show that the probability of pregnant women suffering from pyelonephritis 1.5% down. Without thorough treatment can be recurrent, may seriously endanger the mother and child health. So why would pyelonephritis "fell in love" Pregnant women do? Next, we come together to understand.
Pyelonephritis prefer to find on pregnant women
Pregnant women hormones estrogen and increased tension reduction ureteral peristalsis weakened, leading to poor urinary tract, urine reflux of higher incidence of urinary tract infections during pregnancy therefore, the majority of renal benefit nephritis. Mainly in the following causes:
1. ureter during pregnancy by the effects of estrogen and progestogen and expansion, resulting in tissue relaxation, expansion of the lumen, creeping slowly, often urine retention in the ureter and renal pelvis, so as bacteria in the ureter and renal pelvis creating growth and reproduction condition.
2. The female urethra directly adjacent to the vagina and anus, and urethra and a shorter, if not pay attention to hygiene, easy to make the bacteria invade the urethra and gathered up to the pelvis, causing pyelonephritis.
3. The enlargement of the uterus during pregnancy oppression ureter and bladder, can cause poor urine flow and urinary retention. Retention of urine can not only stimulate the urethral mucosa, but also easy to breed bacteria.
4. pregnancy urine glucose, nutrients, amino acids increased, but also provide the conditions for the bacteria.
5. During pregnancy decreased body resistance, susceptible to gingivitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bacterial blood infection lesions may be spread to the urinary system, causing pyelonephritis.
Pregnant women with pyelonephritis should do so
1. Keep genitalia clean, wash underwear, bathe.
2. stool wipe from front to back to avoid contamination of the urethra.
3. To strengthen the moderate physical exercise, enhance the body's resistance to disease.
4. The more water, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, to increase urine output, flush the urethra to avoid bacterial growth and reproduction.
5. If you suffer from pyelonephritis, to timely treatment, follow your doctor medication.
Pyelonephritis patients on diet precautions
1, limiting the vegetable protein
Protein intake should be considered renal function circumstances. The patient oliguria, edema, hypertension, and the quality of nitrogen retention, daily protein intake should be controlled at 20 to 40 grams, to relieve the burden on the kidneys, to avoid non-protein nitrogen accumulation in the body. Especially plant proteins contain large amounts of fat Yin base, can aggravate kidney intermediary metabolism, it is not appropriate to use beans and soy products as a nutritional supplement. Beans and soy products include soy beans, mung beans, broad beans, soy milk, tofu.
2, avoid strong spices
Strong spices such as pepper, mustard, coffee gallbladder, peppers and other adverse renal function, should not eat MSG will thirst due after more food, to limit the amount of drinking water, they should use less MSG.
3, avoid high-fat foods
Hypertension and chronic nephritis patients with symptoms of anemia, animal fats, high blood pressure and anemia are unfavorable factors, because fat can aggravate atherosclerosis and inhibition of hematopoietic function, it is chronic nephritis patients should not eat too much. However, no chronic nephritis, such as fat intake, machine experience becomes weaker, it can be used in everyday life instead of vegetable oil, about 60 grams per day.
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